Who's Geoffrey Verdegast?
Just a regular guy with other-worldly ideas...

For those of you who don't know me (and there are gazillions) I'm Geoff Verdegast--politically incorrect social misfit, greasy-handed backyard mechanic, cranky eschewer of ubiquitous handheld communication devices, and half-starved author of the literary fantasy novel, OF STAVES AND SIGMAS. Okay, okay, I admit it--the line about being half-starved is a stretch; I worked a lot of years for the telecommunications industry, enough to allow me to retire at a relatively young age (too old for motocrossing or carving in the half-pipe, but perfect for tinkering on hot-rods and writing books). I'm also a pseudo-talented charcoal and scratch-board artist (see OSAS's original cover), an amateur photographer, and a self-trained hobo who specialises in aimless roadside wandering, sleeping under bridges, hopping freight trains, and stealing fresh-baked pies from window sills.

a cup of coffee and a book on a table