Alonso is my lap cat. No matter when or where, if I  sit down for even a minute -- to read the mail or to catch the weather report on TV -- his mission is to hop on my lap and fall asleep as quickly as possible, making it difficult for me to return to whatever it was I was doing previously. He's basically my companion, as he follows me everywhere, inside the house or out. He loves belly rubs, and insists on being offered a sniff of almost everything I eat.
 Alonso's Cat Shelter Photo
Chillin' on the cat-condo...
"I told you, I'm not coming out until you dump that bargain brand cat food, and buy some Fancy Feast!"
"Isn't it dinner time yet?"
"If you noisy birds don't can the chatter, I'm gonna have to come over there and chew a few feathers!"
Photos by Geoffrey Verdegast
"When's that chipmunk gonna run past?"